Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies

TYPE Call for Papers

SUBJECTS Digital Media, New Media Technologies


The principal aims of Convergence are: to develop critical frameworks and methodologies that enable the reception,consumption and impact of new technologies, to be evaluated in their domestic, public and educational contexts, to contextualise the study of those new technologies within existing debates in media studies, and to address the specific implications of the increasing convergence of media forms, to monitor the conditions of emergence of new media technologies, their subsequent mass production and the development of new cultural forms, to promote discussion and analysis of the creative and educational potentials of those technologies, and to contextualise those cultural practices within wider cultural and political debates.
Topics include: Video games * Cable and telecomms * Mobile
media/content * Internet studies * Digital/new media art * Digital
photography * VR * Control and censorship of the media *
Copyright/intellectual property * New media policy * New media
industries/institutions * New media history * New media in
cross-cultural/international contexts * New media products * Digital TV *
DVD * Digital music recording, production, distribution, file
formats/file sharing * Cinema * Gender and technology * social media *
locative and mobile media *.

Visit the journal’s website for more information and to submit.

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