Journalism and Mass Communication Educator

TYPE General Submission

SUBJECTS Journalism Education, Mass Communication, Teaching Journalism


“Journalism & Mass Communication Educator seeks contributions that support a community of faculty and student discovery,the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and their creative application to issues of import, both within and beyond classroom and Web site. The journal focuses on learning and teaching, curriculum, educational leadership, and elated exploration of higher education within a context of journalism and mass communication. Articles draw from a variety of theoretical approaches and methodological perspectives and should introduce readers to new questions, new evidence, and effective educational practices. Scholarship is encouraged that is grounded in knowledge about the complexity of learning and respectful of student needs for multiple paths toward understanding; rooted in the disciplinary content of the professional and academic specialties we ask our students to master; and cognizant of the discipline’s long-standing commitment to the arts of liberty, not through vague aphorisms, but as solutions to educational, civic, and public needs.”

Visit the journal’s website for more information.

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